Creuser le noir corporate et en faire sortir une lumière, une vérité blafarde sur tous ces suckers.



May 15, 1961

Mr. Alan Watts
1807 Broadway
San Francisco 9, California

Dear Alan:

Very sorry that you couldn't get up on your last week end. We hoped to have a farewell ceremony.
A modest consultant fee check is somewhere in the Harvard offices.
Plans for APA in September are swinging along. We hope to have the papers short and a long period left to conversation among the participants. Could you plan to talk for 10-15 minutes emphasizing your own experience with LSD-MRs, your interpretations of the experience. Then in the discussion we'll all discuss broader issues of its social use, theoretically measuring it.
Wish you could be in Copenhagen. The International congress will have a visionary flavor. Harry Murray and Aldous will give the two big address--and Harry is going to take MR in preparation!
Why don't you plan to come up to Cambridge to spend some time after or before June 6th. Sometime in fall we are planning two or three day conference on LSD-MR. I hope to get Sandoz to support it. Aim will be to develop the non-medical educational aspects.
What happened to your manuscript. I'm eager to have it print so we can use it as reference.
You left many wonderful memories behind you and we are looking forward to your next visit.

Fondest Wishes

Timothy Leary

P.S Pearl is sending you some MRs. We are waiting for LSD to arrive.